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Rate the Public Service

4.4 ( 1904 ratings )
Розробник: Malta Information Technology Agency

The objective of this mobile app is to provide you with an easy way to rate the services provided by the Government of Malta.

By sending your feedback, we can constantly monitor the satisfaction level for each department and take action to improve the services where required.

To submit your feedback simply type the name of the department in the search field, select one of the departments returned and submit your feedback through the rating screen.

Alternatively, you can also select a department from the map or from the list of nearby departments. You can also view a list with all the departments. This full list is sorted alphabetically and you can choose to filter it by locality.


L-għan ta’ din l-app huwa li nipprovdulek mod faċli kif tevalwa s-servizz provdut lilek mill-Gvern ta Malta.

Bir-rispons tiegħek, aħna nkunu nistgħu nissorveljaw il-livell ta’ sodisfazzjon li jipprovdi kull dipartiment, u nagħmlu dak li jkun meħtieġ biex intejbu s-servizz.

Biex tissottometti r-rispons tiegħek, daħħal l-isem tad-dipartiment fl-ispazju allokat għat-tfittxija, agħżel id-dipartiment mil-lista li titlagħlek, u agħti r-rispons tiegħek.

Inkella tista tagħżel dipartiment mill-mappa jew mil-lista ta dipartimenti li jinsabu qrib tiegħek. Tista wkoll tagħżel li tara l-lista sħiħa ta dipartimenti. Din il-lista hija maqsuma alfabetikament u tista taqsamha wkoll skont il-lokalità.